Question 4: Theme park review


Theme park review 

Recently, on a whim, I decided to head to a theme park just one hour north of town. And in all honesty, I don’t regret it at all. It lies right off of the highway and you can see the bigger roller coasters before your exit comes off, nearly impossible to miss. Coming out of the parking lot, the park has a semi-worn-down entrance, but this ended up having no impact on the overall joy I felt once I was inside. The cost to get in was a relatively low $20, and you can spend an extra $10 for a wristband that allows you to ride any ride that you want to in the park. Of course, I got the wristband to make sure I could give a full thorough review to anyone reading.

When you are inside there are a lot of routes you can take. There is a pathway that takes you to a food district of sorts, an arcade area, and the main thrill rides. These pathways will intertwine throughout the park but I highly suggest that you start with the rides pathway and experience the main attractions that this park has to offer. Right upon entry you can tell that there is plenty to do, even though the entry cost was so little. Which, in my opinion, would make this the perfect place to go if you were looking for a cheaper staycation.

My favorite ride at this park was the Rock ’a’ coster. The ride only had a ten-minute wait, which is so much better than if you were to go to Disney or some big named theme park. Even better for those who don’t like waiting in those kinds of crazy long lines. The ride is really fun too. It’s very similar to the rock ‘n’ roller coaster in Disney. It shoots you at high speeds in an indoor roller coaster with plenty of neon lights and street signs. It might not be the most child-friendly ride, but I had a blast on it. 

Beyond the roller coasters, there is of course the game area. Which is of course overly expensive and rigged, but still fun when you don’t think about it. Just a quick scan you can see the blatant tricks that the workers are playing on you like the cubes pushed forward on the ball throwing game. Despite this fact, if you have children, I highly suggest letting them play at least a few games. Even if they fail they still win a small plushie and go home feeling accomplished. It’s best for the adults too because while they are busing playing you can rest between the rides and regain balance. 

The last area of the park is a food truck dining area. Here you can get your classic fair foods, corn dogs, funnel cake, lemonade, etc.. But there are also actual restaurant foods there as well. This is very beneficial to parents as well because of the sheer amount of options available to them. If their child wants something specific the food trucks are sure to have it. Price-wise, it’s relatively cheaper compared to most other theme parks. Which makes purchasing family meals or larger meals much easier on your wallet. The food here is very worth the price as well, while I only had a bowl of mac n’ cheese and some funnel cake, it was utterly delicious.

Something that usually goes unnoticed in these parks is the employees. Which is probably a big reason why they always end up being so bland and unemotional. But the employees here are very interactive and joyful. Whether that is because they are relatively new or the environment at this park is simply better, it’s refreshing to see some genuine emotion out of employees. It actually makes you feel that they care. 

If you are at all interested, I hope my review will help sway your opinion on whether or not you want to go. I thoroughly enjoyed the park and I hope whoever has read this will too.


  1. Hi Aiden!
    I thought your review of the theme park was spot-on and very thorough. To me, it sounded like a real review that you would find online. Your varied sentence structure and descriptions keeps the audience engaged in your piece. I thought that your language was appropriate for the review, as it was easy to understand and straightforward. I only saw one misspelling in your paper when you said “busing” instead of “busy.” I understand what you meant, and it “does not impede communication.” Your piece followed a logical progression and addressed all of the important points. For example, you addressed the “cost to get in,” your “favorite ride,” and various other aspects like the food and employees. I also thought you nailed the prompt because you constantly gave your opinion. For example, you used ‘loaded language’ like “perfect” and “beneficial” to convey your positive view of the park. Awesome job!
    Score: 23

  2. Hey Aiden, I enjoyed reading your review on the theme park, and it covered every aspect the reader would want to know. In the first paragraph, I like how you said the park was “one hour north of town.” As well as what the entrance looked like and the cost for wristbands. You also included your own opinion within it like saying your favorite ride was the “Rock a’ Coaster.” Then focus on the food and how it was “utterly delicious.” You made sure to describe the environment and atmosphere as friendly and made it sound like a place you’d want to go with your friends and family. I would then give you 20 total marks on AO2. The language was very good and something you’d read in a review but I felt it missed key aspects. You could’ve named what the theme park’s name is and where it is located for people to be able to go. Also, you could’ve focused more specifically on the type of people at the park and what people it attracted. Still, the blog was structured very well and I was fully engaged throughout.


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