Blog - Paper 1 Question 1



Mr. President,

As you know, the fire at the Notre Damn was one of the most popular events on the internet when it occurred. The heart-wrenching event leads to hundreds of thousands of people donating in order to repair the historical monument known to many. Something similar is happening in the world in South America. The Amazon has been set ablaze and, being one the oldest natural monuments, not nearly enough people are supporting this movement. I write to you in hopes that you can spare some level of sympathy toward this catastrophe given that your country shares a very similar scar. I am pleading to you to please help the South American Amazon, even if it's simply spreading the word. We need to continue to band together in order to save lives and prevent these fires from hurting both the people who inhabit the area and the world itself. The Amazon is home to many, please help us save lives now before there are none left to save. Without it, the demise of our Earth will become inevitable. 

Sincerely, Aiden B.


When analyzing the form. structure, and language of these two pieces there are many evident features that set the two apart.

Starting with analyzing the format it must be noted that while my piece is a letter, the original extract is an online news article. The news article features multiple short paragraphs in order of events and importance. It is then followed by a fact sheet. Unlike this, my letter contains an introduction and closure in order to address the letter. My letter also leads with the date and typically will feature an address. Unlike the short paragraphs featured in the news article, my piece shows one medium-sized paragraph that gives all of the needed information in one go. 

While I could have taken an informational approach similar to the newspaper I attempted to instead relate to a common enemy and influence an opinion by exposing the scar that injures both countries. By showing the common enemy it further elaborates why something needs to happen.

In terms of structure, we must consider the types of audiences that are being addressed in each. The online newspaper is being read by younger Australians, while my letter is being addressed to the president of France. These are vastly different audiences and therefore feature vastly different features and lexical structures. Similar to what was described in the format analysis, the writing pieces must be structured in a way that supports the format and the audience. While both pieces work to engage their audience, my piece makes more of an emotional and logistical effort, while the newspaper works to influence through informational means.

In terms of language, both forms both use formal language. This is because, the letter is addressed to a highly political figure, and the newspaper is working to deliver information to an audience. Continuing this impacts the overall tone of both pieces and shows that the situation at hand is extremely dire and important. Although, because the newspaper is working to deliver information it fails to address proper Pathos and Kairos compared to what is said in my letter. My letter says things like, 'please help us save lives now before there are none left to save.' which expresses the severity of the situation and better influences the President that action needs to occur as soon as possible. The newspaper contains a large variety of Logos and Ethos, on the other hand, provides information. While the newspaper does feature Pathos by saying things like, 'I would rather see Notre-Dame totally destroyed and see the Amazon forest protected forever,' it does not express any motive to solve the issue only to provide opinions on it.


  1. Hello,
    I think that this blog was pretty good. To start off I think that you had done a very good job for part a but I think that you could have used the news report a little bit more in order to state more facts about the Amazon in order to have a more deep impact. I think that you had shown a clear understanding of the text through this but i think that you could have used the text more. I also think that you had shown an effective expression of the language and the language used was mostly correct and I also think that your content was relevant to the audience and purpose as well. For AO1 I would give you 3 marks and for AO2 I would give you 4 marks. For part A, I would give you 7 marks.
    Your analysis of this text was also very good as you had done a good job of analyzing form, structure and language. I do think that you could have added more though as you had just been barely over word count. I think that you could have used more quotes of words from the text as well as the letter in order to back up and expand on all of your points. I do think that you had a detailed understanding of the text and the stylistic choices that the writers had but I think that you had a limited analysis of the form, structure and language and also a limited analysis of the writers stylistic choices and how they had related to the purpose of the article. For AO1 I would give you 4 marks and for AO3 I would give you 4 marks. That is 8 marks for section b because it was very well written but very limited and could have been expanded on more. Overall that is 15 marks out of 25. Good job!

  2. For the first part of your text, you showed correct format. With sender, addressed to, and date when written, you made sure to have correct letter format. However, something that I noticed about your paper is that you didn't include any logos. Despite some small assertions, you could easily improve by including numerical data in your letter to help spread the rhetorical elements in your letter. Despite this small diss, I believe that it is still fair to score you a 3/5 in AO1 due to your clear understanding of text and reference to the characteristics of the letter you wrote. As for AO2, you showed effective expression, with a few minor errors which do not impede communication. The content is relevant to audience and purpose; ideas are developed clearly. This is shown not only in the contextual end of your writing, but also in saying things like "I am pleading to you to please help the..." This shows a key element and expresses accurately and appropriately the point of your writing making AO2 a 4/5.

    The analysis of your writing was also very well done with the only addition I would suggest writing just a little bit more expansively. While what you did write was pretty spot on, giving a little bit more of an elaboration would greatly improve your analysis on the ways in which writers' and speakers' choice of form, structure, and language to produce meaning and style. With a clear comparative analysis of elements of form, structure, and language and detailed analysis of how the writers' stylistic choices relate to audience and shape meaning I believe that you deserve a 6/10 in AO3. In regards to AO1 for Table B, I think you showed a clear comparative understanding of texts. This is shown in your comparisons like when you wrote, "In terms of language, both forms both use formal language." This bring you to a 3/5 for AO1.



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