Blog - Paper 3 Section B

Blog - Paper 3 Section B

Raina is five years old, which means that she is in the latter part of the post-telegraphic stage of child language acquisition. Many features used by Raina in the transcript further show how developed her language is. Words such as 'want' show that Raina is able to use words to express emotion over certain things. In this case, it shows that she strongly desires something from her mother, which she is able to communicate effectively. Raina is also able to use family terms, while 'mum' is the first word for many children she is able to use the word in a sentence and use it properly to get attention on a certain subject. Raina can be seen expressing a wide knowledge of hyponyms such as 'spider' and 'long grass' as well, this shows that Raina has begun being able to distinguish the differences between animals and certain vegetation. Instead of using basic hypernyms like 'bugs' or 'plants.' Continuing, Raina exhibits the contrasting concept feature of this stage of development. By using the word 'long,' she is able to express her awareness of the world around her and the size difference between similar nouns. 

Raina is also able to express emotion better through the way she speaks. Throughout the text, you can see Raina's speech volume rising and falling (noted by the upward and downward intonations found throughout the text) which shows Raina's emotion toward certain subjects. Similarly, there is a frequent usage of capitalized words like 'YES' which show Raina's excitement over what is happening. While children are able to express emotion from a young age. it is clear that Raina has learned to express her emotions through her lexis and speech rather than simpler noises made by a baby.

Despite this usage of lexis, there are also signs that Raina's language is still developing. There is one specific instance in which this is shown. The first is the frequent hesitancy between Raina's speech, 'YES (.) a I (1) he can't fly can he.' This sentence shows two things, the first being an error in speech. Prior to the one-second pause, Raina is most likely trying to articulate something that she wants to say. This is followed by a pause (where she is most likely thinking of what to say) and then the rest of the sentence follows.

Although there a frequent topic shifts in the transcript, most likely due to the shorter attention span of a child, there is turn-taking present in the transcript. This is an exhibit of caretaking language as the mother of Raina is initiating this turn-taking pattern. She either allows Raina to finish her sentence or interrupts to show off something that has happened. The mother also uses language to show what the right thing to do in a certain situation is. For example, 'no (.) don't chase it (.)' which will teach Raina that she should not be chasing animals around and stick to the path that is lined out for her.

Because turn-taking is present, it can also be noted that Raina is able to effectively take part in a conversation with her mother rather than saying a few words to get attention. In the earlier stages of language development, children will say a basic word to get help with one thing and then move on once that thing is achieved. But in Raina's case, she is able to effectively hold a conversation and respond. Raina is also able to ask questions, for example, the tag question when she says, 'he can't fly can he.' This further shows Raina's conversational ability. Although, there is a lot of overlapping that occurs when Raina begins to speak, which means this conversational skill is not fully developed.


  1. Hi Aiden! To start, I think that you were lacking a brief summary of what the overall text was about. While you mentioned that Raina is five years old, you don’t mention anything about the context of the text. In your first paragraph, you go directly into the features used by Raina in the transcript, including words such as ‘want’, ‘mum’, and ‘spider’. While you explain these points, I think it would be beneficial if you were to go more in depth on your wider range of knowledge regarding child acquisition. You could have done this by breaking each quote into separate paragraphs.
    I think that you brought up some really effective points throughout your blog, however, you don’t show a great understanding of how much you know on the topic. For example, you don’t make any mention of theories or theorists and how Raina’s transcript relates back to them. While you had some buzz words, it would have been better if you had more. I also think that you had some really great references to characteristic features. However, your explanations needed to be more developed and specific.
    Overall, I think that you show a clear, but somewhat limited understanding of the text in reference to meaning, context, and language. I also think that you had a somewhat clear reference to characteristic features. Therefore, for AO1, I would give you two marks.
    For AO4, I think you have a clear understanding of linguistic features, however you only show a limited reference to your wider range of study. This is only due to the fact that you could’ve had a much more specific and detailed explanation. Therefore, I will be giving you 6 marks.
    For AO5, I will be giving you two marks as you had a clear selection of analysis and synthesis of language data.
    Great job! 10/25

  2. Aiden,
    For AO1, I would give you three marks considering your clear understanding of the text – meaning, context, and audience. A clear reference to characteristic features was included as well. You read and demonstrated an understanding of a wide variety of texts.
    You said, “Many features used by Raina in the transcript further show how developed her language is.” You then followed this up with information and examples about Raina‘s language development.
    For AO4, I would give you seven marks because of your clear understanding of linguistic issues, concepts, methods, and approaches. You wrote clear references to linguistic methods and approaches taken by appropriate theorists as well.
    For example, you discussed the knowledge of hyponyms, turn-taking, along with conversational ability. You also made sure to explain in-depth how those were used. For example, you said that the turn-taking, “...can also be noted that Raina is able to effectively take part in a conversation with her mother rather than saying a few words to get attention.”
    One thing that you did not include was the time period of the language. (Late Modern English, Modern English, etc.) Identifying this period placement can be helpful when naming off linguistic features. LAD and LASS are also definitions that could’ve been included.
    For AO5, I would give you three marks because of your clear selection, analysis, and synthesis of language data. You made sure to analyze the data from a wide variety of sources.
    13/25 Good Job:)

  3. AO1: 3 Marks - I could tell you knew what prompt and all the terms that went with this question, like hyponyms and hypernyms, upward and downward intonations, and caretaking language. And talked about turn-taking, emotions, and deciphering words and their meanings. The one thing that was there was lacking behind those words. When writing the analysis, it’s best to assume the reader had no idea what anything is. So it’s good to explain the majority of the higher vocabulary words like turn-taking.

    AO4: 9 Marks: When focusing on the actual content and explanations, the first thing that sticks out to me is the structure. You had several paragraphs but they are a bit lengthy and could be separated to better organize your ideas. As for the explanations, they consisted of quotes and going into a deeper area of why this happens. However, it feels like you left out a lot that you could have written about. And at the same time focused on that and forgot to share what the source was. This would make your explanations make more sense in the end.

    AO5: 3 Marks - You quoted at least once on every paragraph. But a few quotes could have been added with some ideas like “This is an exhibit of caretaking language as the mother of Raina is initiating this turn-taking pattern.” and “ Throughout the text, you can see Raina's speech volume rising and falling (noted by the upward and downward intonations found throughout the text)...”

    Overall Marks: 15 Marks


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